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Home   /   Global pandemic gave a British family direction to execute their dream life plan

When Covid-19 outbreak sparked on March 2020, Brandon Spalding ,20, from Southampton was on verge for massive change in lifestyle. A year later he and his mum, dad and brother would leave their old lives to start living as immigrants in Montenegro.

After returning from lookout trip in October they sold their house and fortune in UK and packed their bags for a new start in life.

Mr Spalding said:

“We tried to figure out how to make money passively, so we don’t have to work nine to five. In the end the business was moving to a new country.

“We looked for place to move to, which could save us money for lower costs of living and in return give us better lifestyle and an investment that will be worth more over time.”

In Montenegro The Spalding’s are renovating the house they bought located at a protected fishing bay. Main problem is the language-barrier, as most of the locals doesn’t speak English.

The other significant cultural difference is the food quality.

“People’s diet here is terrible. They just eat this processed meat and stuff. The food doesn’t have to pass the same health standards than in UK.”

The family isn’t going to stay in Montenegro forever. Next move in their life-plan is already on radar.

“We’re going to sell half of this house and buy a property from somewhere else like Chile.

“Repeat the same process and eventually have money coming passively from rental income from other investments, crypto currencies and stock markets.”

The new home at Montenegro.

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