When Josh Cavallo came out as gay in October 2021, the whole world knew about it.
Phil Steer, Chairman of LGBTQ+ football club London Titans said: “the fact that it’s been reported around the world that one man playing football has come out as gay just sort of signifies how big a step that is.”
In the months since Cavallo’s announcement, clubs have had to condemn homophobic chanting from their fans on several occasions.
Homophobic chanting from the stands is currently not an illegal act despite The Department for Digital, Media, Culture and Sport previously stating plans to add it to the Football Offences Act 1991.
Mr Steer said: “yes they’re doing things, certain things. But are they doing enough? No, I don’t think so.”
“I think if people are found to be guilty of homophobia, things like that, they need to go on education courses.
“I don’t necessarily think lifetime bans and things like that are the answer.”
Clubs such as Mr Steer’s London Titans have a key role in providing a place for LGBTQ+ members in football.
Mr Steer said: “it’s a really good club to be around. It’s more than just a football club.”