International students coming to the UK on the rise
There has been a 13% increase in postgraduate international students in the UK since 2019. Therefore, I asked two postgraduate students at the University of Brighton what they thought the main reason for this increase was.
Anine Beck, a Norwegian student, said that the reason for the increase in numbers is because there are a wider range of courses available in the UK. She believes that the numbers will continue to escalate in the future.

There are problems that international students must contend with when moving to the UK. This includes adapting to the British language, the costs of studying and homesickness.
Both Anine and Rumyana Penzova, a Bulgarian student, said that they have used the wellbeing services available at the University to help them deal with homesickness.

Rumyana believes that the services at the University of Brighton are much better than in Bulgaria, stating that ‘’there is a stigma around mental health’’ in Bulgaria. Integrating into a new university and culture is clearly challenging, however Anine and Rumyana are adapting into life at British university well as semester one nears an end.